Author: Veselin Besheliev and Nikolai Todorov
Dr. Nikola S. Piccolo as humanitarian and scholar
As a man of letters Dr. Nikola Piccolo (1792-1865) was follower of a Cartesian philosophy, rationalist and egalitarian. He had a definitive role in formation of the modern Greek literary history. He was also one of the eminent figures of the Bulgarian national revival.
Sainte-Beuve and Greco-Roman antiquity
His contribution to progressive scholarship and criticism, and the personal contact with leaders like Villemain, Patin, and his lifelong friend, Nicolas Piccolos ... They published new texts of Greek classics, as well as new translations. Beuve's idea of translation into popular language created a stir and much criticism.
Jeremy Bentham and Political Economy
Worth noting to admit have been more than one direct reference to Bentham in Korais' "Notes on the Greek Constitution of 1822", one of the most brilliant achievements of the neo-Hellenic democratic thought ... It is through another Greek scholar, Nikolaos Pikkolos, that Bentham's attention was drawn to the relevant passages.
"Death of Demosthenes"
Pikkolos, Nikolaos S. The Death of Demosthenes. A tragedy in four acts; in prose. Gregorius Palaeologus of Constantinople, tr. Cambridge: Printed for the Author, and sold by Richard Newby, Trinity Street, 1824. 63 p.
Pictures 1 & 2: Sample illustrations on the text above.
(i). Dr. Nikola Sava Piccolo (1792-1865) as humanitarian and scholar.
(ii). "Demosthenes and Calauria", tragedy in 4 acts, was written by Piccolo and performed in Odessa. In 1824 G. Paleologus translated and published the play in English language.
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