Author: Georgi Tzaregorodzev; translated by Vasil Cholakov
Editor's Note: We continue our review articles on criticism of socio-medical thinking in the West. Already in two previous titles from the booklist, L. Sheputo (1963) and Y. Lisitzin (1969), we have outlined main currents in philosophical debates that occupied socialist scholarship in the Eastern block. These writings have one undeniable and distinguishing feature — viz., while trying to debunk the alleged misfortunes of capitalist society simultaneously the separate articles are wide panorama of reference journals, books and symposiums in widely acknowledged English, French and German publications. Thus the miscellany is useful for starting and orientation purposes, but unworthy of any critical research, per se. The title bearer synonym for "criticism" is a misnomer and serves purely for ideological purposes. In that case a predominant facet of Sovetization process in science and literature was and remained dogmatic pursuance; otherwise, a dog-hearted rejection of an intellectual enemy that was dictated by purpose and not by goal. This has remained even until nowadays, where a reformed Russia is striving for place on the globalized world arena. Lastly, translation and editorship from Dr. Vasil Cholakov (as usual) remained the only dignitary of this widely popular text, ditto.
Introduction, from soviet reviser and expert of WHO Prof. G. I. Tzaregorodzev. After 30 years dealing with issues of health policy the author still have misapprehensions about socio-economics of health, not as utilitarian cost analyses but as dynamic labour and work activity on everyday basis;
Chapter 1, written by Y. Lisitzin and comprising some review material written beforehand on diseases ("burden") of modern civilization and changing patterns of contemporary pathology. Presentation is made to: F. Alexander, "Western Mind in Transition. N.Y., 1960" (strictly existential study on eco-catastrophes, corporate environment, trade-unionism, etc.); E. Huant and A. Dussert, "Les Maladies de notre societe. Paris, 1961" (abrogating on some negative selection that modern wars had contributed. Albeit, the first wave of the war kills the weakest and unprepared, but the second wave demolishes those that are valiant and keeps intact those cowards, docile and dupes);
Chapters 2, 6-11, those are dealing with numerous issues pertaining to mechanism of stress, neo-Freudism and psychosomatic medicine, primer psychoanalysis. Let us try to systematize all the writings by topic agenda,
— H. Selye, "Stress of the Life. N.Y., 1956" (reviewing the three phases of stress: alarm reaction - AR, stage of resistance - SR, stage of exhaustion - SE. Still unclear remains the concept of unity between body and soul. Selye insisted that reactions are elementary "key" to human life and cells are just a teleological substrate; — E. Fromm, "Art of Loving. London, 1965", "Marx's Concept of Man, 1961", "Freud's Mission, 1959", "Sane Society, 1955" (complex writer on idealism, role of personality, anti-soviet pathos, etc. As a resultant he propagates abstract humanism and love, with apologetics of bourgeois way of life; — Neo-Freudism and psychosomatic medicine, Marcuse, Jaspers, Sartr plus re-analysis of Freud. Here numerous citations are made, and notably we make two conclusions: 1) At the beginning of 20th century Freud and his work was popular because he operated with wealth of erotic terminology and associated "fragrant" ideas thus attracting human attention to importance of sexual life, and 2) As time passed and propaganda noise subsided (herewith, end of World War and entering the second half of the century), Freudism now has become a logo for private practitioners which amount expensive consultations and numerous sessions to cure the assumed psychic patient.
Chapters 3-5, on issues of social ecology. Confer here old authors from previous material plus M. Sorre, "Essai d'une ecologie de l'homme. Paris, 1943-1947" and J. May, "Ecology of Human Disease. N.Y., 1958-1962". International dimensions of the subject have priority status: adaptation of mankind to global environment, diversification of pathology (non-specific), constant exasperation and aggravation of world climate and atmosphere, etc.
Chapter 12, a whole new chapter have been written on racism and role of the American Negro. Most of the criticism avail on writings from classics of Negro ideology — W.E.B. DuBois, H. Aptheker, and others. The predominant idea is that the physical labour of black slaves was used to build the American civilization, while a privilege white minority lay on fruits of world progress. A notion is debated that Negroes are incapable of intellectual work !? History of American racism is retold beginning with Mormon racism in church perspective, the recessive radicalism of Ku Klux Klan, and rebirth of Negro liberalism in 20th century. Good starting point for further research should be recommended: "United Nations Convention on Prevention and Punishment of Crime and Genocide", from 9 December 1948, and response of segregated Negro citizens of the United States submitted to the General Assembly of UN (We Charge Genocide. New York: Civil Rights Congress, 1951).
Copyright © 2010 by the author.